How to Upgrade XRadar
Through the versions, new features are added. Also, we promise to strive for easier configurations. This will
give som minor upgrade issues, and in the following these are listed. Note that if you need to upgrade from
from one version and 2 or more up, you will need to consider all the changes that have been done between these
versions as well.
After downloading and unpacking the new XRadar base version to a folder, the recommended way to upgrade is:
Install the XRadar base in the way described in configuration, and
then make your projects direct to this xradar-base instead of the old one. Hence, you need to update the build.xml and
file in your analysed projects. In addition comes specific upgrade issues.
From 0.99.2 to 1.0
XRadar is no longer "ant-based" ! This changes a lot of things, but should make
setting up easier.
- 1856035 - methods directory is not properly generated
From 0.99 to 0.99.2
- New oo-metrics (npm, rfc, lcom, cbo ..).
- Update to the default design metric to incorporate the oo metrics (design category). The thresholds are
based on NASA recommendations.
- New analysis of test code impact on the code base. This is a revolutionary and simple new way analysing the portion of the code
that actually is explicitly tested (method test reference) - as apposed to statement test coverage that shows you code that
is covered when running tests.
- Restructuring of the whole report layout to make it more intuitive.
- New anysis reports for finding important clues about the code.
- XSLT/XPath grammar adaptation to run smoothly in JDK5.
- Fixes of some minor bugs.
No extra upgrades necessary, however check in the configuration page that you are ant configuration is
still up to date. You may want to add two new parameters if you want to extend
your analysis to test code.
test.suite.classes=path to test class files.
You may also want to upgrade your defined metric in xradar-config.xml. In particular,
there are new suggestions to metrics within the test area and a new metric group within the
design area (with oo-metrics). See the test project xradar-config.xml for more on this.
From 0.98 to 0.99
No extra upgrades necessary.
From 0.97 to 0.98
No extra upgrades necessary.
From 0.96 to 0.97
No extra upgrades necessary.
Still, there are two things you might want to consider:
- If your project is not too large, you will probably want to run coupling analysis. This will
bring deeper knowledge about your classes and methods in the XRadar. This can simply be done by adding the following too your file :
- If there are packages that you do not want to incorporate in your analysis, you can add the following under
the radar-config element in your radar-config.xml :
See the radar-config.xml file under the testproject to get an example.
From 0.95 to 0.96
No extra upgrades necessary.
From 0.92 to 0.95
There have been some fundamental changes to the system since version 0.92x:
- The contents of $PROJECT_HOME/ have been simplified a lot. Several manual steps that was
previously needed when adding a new version to the analysis have now been omitted.
- $PROJECT_HOME/radar-config.xml has got an addition of defined-metrics. We suggest that you simply
add this element including its children from the testproject. This feature should bring a totally new
perspective and overview to your analysis.
- Source control metrics can now be added to the project. Currently, only MKS is supported (MKS-plugin is to be released soon), but we will
be offering several more. Notably, we are looking into a Jira/CVS plugin.
The changes should not take too much time to implement. Inspecting the testproject and referring to the
statics and
pages should give the important details.
From 0.92 to 0.921
No extra upgrades necessary.
From 0.91 to 0.92
No extra upgrades necessary. Still, we do recommend to consider the following:
- Update for your releases with reference to corresponding javadoc.
(See documentation for details)
- Update and with information of dynamics report and statics
report respectfully. In that way you can navigate between the versions and they become tightly integrated. (See documentation for details)
- Update for your releases with reference to corresponding jcoverage report.
(See documentation for details)
From 0.90 to 0.91
Upgrading from 0.90 to 0.91 only involves two things:
- add the environment variable ANT_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1. This will ensure that the radar
runs the correct encoding.
- cpd.analysis.minimum.token.count is used to set the number of tokens to qualify for a duplication